

Lab Notebook Requirements (PDF)

Lab Report Format (PDF)

Lab 1: Index of Refraction (PDF)

Shockley, William. "The Invention of the Transistor - 'An Example of Creative-Failure Methodology.'" National Bureau of Standards (May 1974): SP-388.

Ghatak, A. K. "What is Light?" and "Simple Harmonic Motion, Forced Vibrations, and Origin of Refractive Index." Ch. 2 and 7 in Ghatak, Ajoy. Optics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009. ISBN: 9780073380483.

Lab 2: Communications (PDF)

Memo Writing (PDF)

The following files are used with permission of Tom Delaney, the course writing instructor.

Better Communication (PDF)

Writing: The Basics (PDF)

Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing/Proofreading (PDF)

Revision Tips (PDF)

Lab 3: Measure the Speed of Light (PDF)  
Lab 4: Simulation of Solar Cells (PDF) "PC1D, v5.9." School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales.

Project 2: Building a Solar Cell

The activities in project 2 expand upon the concepts covered in lab 4. Please refer to the Final Project page for more information about the requirements for this assignment.

Project 2A: Band Gap and Anti-Reflection Coating of Solar Material (PDF) "Year 11 Photovoltaic Engineering Module." School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales.
Project 2B: Solar Cell Performance (PDF)

I-V Data Files

Sample 1: simple Si p-n junction (XLS)
Sample 2: Evergreen Solar cell (XLS)
Wavelength Scan (XLS)


Monochromator Optical Input Spectrum (XLS)
AM1.5 Solar Spectrum (XLS)